March 3, 2025

Your community newspaper

The beautiful sound of music

By Vicki Winger

TheWhitecourt Cancer & Wellness Society held an ‘Evening of Music’, a freeevent at the United Church on December 6. Local musicians kept the audiencecaptivated with the wonderful sounds of their voices and instruments.”This is an annual event the society puts on each year as a thank you tothe community for all the support they’ve received,” said treasurer CherylDuncan-Molloy. To begin the evening’s events, the Cancer & Wellness Societywas presented with a cheque for $53,000 on behalf of its counterpart, theWhitecourt Cancer Fighters Society. The monies raised came from this year’s 8thannual Boob Tour. Duncan-Molloy said, “The Boob Tour is one of our majorsources of fundraising each year.”

The money the Cancer Fighters raise goes to cancer patients and their families to help gas, groceries, volunteer drivers, monthly cancer group meetings, and more. The society spent over $60,000 in 2017 on these programs.

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