A delegation from the Town of Mayerthorpe recently presented to Woodlands County Council
concerning a potential boost in service for the West End Bus Program. Jennifer Sunderman,
Mayerthorpe’s CAO, and Karen St. Martin, recently retired Mayerthorpe CAO, presented together.
Suderman explained that they had been approved for a federally funded grant through the Rural Transit
Solutions Fund to enhance the West End Bus Program. “We are looking to add a one-day program that
would help Mayerthorpe residents, Blue Ridge residents, and Sangudo residents come into the
Whitecourt area.” She added that the program would be for all ages.
The program would include glass bus shelters and a facility to house an electric van capable of travelling
300km on one charge. The program also included adding slow charging stations to the region, with one
going into each community, Mayerthorpe, Sangudo and Blue Ridge, and one at the main facility.
Sunderman explained that the charging stations could provide some revenue if opened to the public.
Sunderman said they had been approved for approximately $594,000. She said the vehicle would cost
between $110,000 and $130,000 and that the glass bus shelters would be just under $7,500, with one
planned for each community. She said the West End Bus Committee would discuss where the facility
and each shelter would be placed. Sunderman explained that they were also throwing around the idea
of reducing the size of the bus shelter, currently pegged at 2,300 square feet, and the possible change
from an electric vehicle to a hybrid.
Sunderman said the grant funding they were approved for covers 80 percent of the program’s cost. The
remaining 20 percent would need to come from provincial or municipal sources. Late in 2020,
Woodlands County joined Mayerthorpe and Lac Ste. Anne County in contributing yearly towards the
operating and capital budget for busing services ($25,000/year). Then, in 2022, both municipalities again
joined forces to support Mayerthorpe’s bid to gain funding for the upgrades to the West End Bus
Program; however, neither promised funding.
In a June letter shared in Council’s agenda package, the Town of Mayerthorpe requested funds to make
up the twenty percent shortfall, divided between their partners. Mayerthorpe would provide $50,647,
while Lac Ste. Anne County was asked for $61,295, and Woodlands County was asked for $30,647. Lac
Ste. Anne responded to the request for funding by encouraging the West End Bus Committee to use
funds from their capital reserve instead. The letter stated that Lac Ste. Anne County did not include the
$61,295 in their budget talks, and more information would be needed to consider the initiative further.
Both Lac Ste. Anne and Woodlands expressed the importance of the upgraded program when they
penned their letters of support in 2022. Then Reeve John Burrows called it a “worthwhile rural transit
enhancement project,” while Lac Ste. Anne County’s Deputy Reeve, Nick Gelych, called the West End
Bus Committee a “well-established municipal cooperative that provides essential transportation and
social engagement.” The issue at hand came down to funding.
Councillor Bruce Prestidge asked why the West End Bus Committee members weren’t doing the
presentation. Sunderman explained that the Town of Mayerthorpe was the primary contact for the
application process. He then asked why it was being presented before the committee had approved it.
He felt they had jumped the gun.
Councillor John Burrows took issue with bringing in an electric vehicle. “We have a horrendous problem
with our grid right now. If we start electrifying more and more and pulling in more,” he paused. “I don’t
know if people understand the amount of actual power that these things are pulling. This is a 600-volt
45 amp, I think, for a phase three charging station. It is huge power to charge some of these pieces of
equipment.” He said he felt more comfortable sticking with equipment that is “tried and true.”
Councillor Burrows also stated that he wanted to avoid the municipality taking on the risk of having
cutting-edge technology. “I appreciate it, but I’m not a fan of it.”
Councillor Peter Kuelken asked what the expected life cycle costs would be to Woodlands County. “I
would like to understand a little better what our commitment as a county would be in the life cycle of
that particular project.” He said the intentions sounded good but that they must consider continuous
St. Martin, the grant application writer, said there was potential revenue from letting the public use the
charging stations and that the West End Bus Committee would discuss life cycle expenditures. She said
they would bring recommendations back to the councils. “Currently, the West End Bus Committee and
the municipalities are paying rent to house the existing buses at different locations throughout Lac Ste.
Anne County and we are currently paying the operating costs of those facilities as well as repairs and
maintenance. The thought process was that we would reallocate that money to the operating costs of
the facility. It’s the same money but reallocated within the budget for this purpose.”
Councillor Jeremy Wilhelm asked what the deadline was for signing onto the funding. “We need to have
the agreement signed by October 1, 2023,” responded Sunderman. Wilhelm asked if the scope would
change if they included a hybrid instead of an electric van. Sunderman said she didn’t know. “It could
possibly impact our funding. It would come from the committee on whether or not we move forward
with an electric vehicle or whether or not we move forward with a hybrid vehicle.”
Councillor Wilhelm said the idea behind the program was “awesome” and felt it could “bring huge value
to the municipality.” However, he agreed with his colleague Councillor Prestidge. “It did feel like the cart
was being put in front of the horse by asking for money before knowing what it would be used on yet,”
said Wilhelm.
St. Martin explained that there was capacity for funds to be reallocated within the grant and a ten
percent contingency that could be used elsewhere if needed. She added that even if they changed to a
Hybrid vehicle, the electric charging stations still had value to the municipalities due to the
enhancement to tourism, bringing people out from the city.
Woodlands County Council voted unanimously to accept the presentation as information. Councillor
Alan Deane then motioned to approve the funding for $30,647 from the West End Bus Replacement
Reserve to pay for the County’s portion of the project, as requested. Councillor Deane and Reeve Dave
Kusch were the only votes in favour, resulting in a defeated motion. Councillor Williams was absent. The
West End Bus Enhancement Project’s status is unknown at this time.

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