March 6, 2025

Your community newspaper

I trawled through Chinese Social Media and found a surprising amount of political dissent

Today out of curiosity I checked the Chinese state-endorsed equivalent to wiki answers to see what the Chinese genuinely thought of their government policies.

I was actually pretty surprised by what I found, there's quite a lot of open anti-CCP rhetoric that can be found within seconds of searching. Here are some sources of people speaking out in disagreement with the communist government that I found curious. There are only four that I've linked, but clicking on the related questions of them brings up more similar threads of discord.

(Obviously use a browser translator to actually know what they're saying)

Support for the KMT as opposed to the CCP:你喜欢共产党吗%3F

Issue on Hong Kong sovereignty:香港好英国人&hitRelateOptimi=&samplow_val=146

Open opposition to the communist party:共产党会垮台吗?&hitRelateOptimi=&samplow_val=146共产党会垮台吗?&hitRelateOptimi=&samplow_val=146

Despite all this boldness, I do sense however that there is still a fear of repercussion against what people say. This sense is reflected in the following thread:是共产党好

This post is a bit of a mess and I’ll probably find some more threads and use more websites to write up a full round-up of Chinese social media opinion on the CCP when I have time in the future, but so far I just wanted to share a few of these threads with you guys, especially considering the news earlier this year that the CCP further plans to restrict the internet meaning that comments like these may be a thing of the past

Of course there are high number of comments in support of the CCP but these tend to be downvoted quite a bit and the general rhetoric on this sight seems to be one of discontent with the communist regime

submitted by /u/toma0910
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