March 28, 2025

Your community newspaper

A large-scale business analysis project is on the go for the Economic Development Committee

By Serena Lapointe
A project to help better understand the needs of area businesses and the business community
is underway following grant funding from the (SCOP) Small Community Opportunity Program.
SCOP is a provincial grant that provides dollars to communities under 20,000 people to help
solve challenges and seek opportunities. Eligible projects can receive funding anywhere from
$20,000 to $100,000.
The Town of Whitecourt applied for funding last year to put towards the Business Market
Analysis Attraction and Retention Strategy Project and successfully received $70,000. In
December, the Economic Development Committee met with the company hired to do the work,
FBM Planning Ltd and data collection is well underway for the new year.
During a late January meeting of Whitecourt Town Council, Economic Development Officer
Rhonda Woods provided an update from the committee on the last six months, including an
update on the analysis project. “They’ve been in the community the last couple of weeks, doing
lots of research and some phase 1 work. We have a couple of project outcomes (from that) that
we are excited about,” she explained.
Outcomes anticipated from FBM Planning Ltd include detailed reporting of retail, commercial
and industrial gaps compared to other communities that compare similarly to Whitecourt, a
database of employers, workforce needs in the community, and anticipated future skill gaps.
The committee will also see an economic gap analysis on where leakage occurs for consumers,
such as what residents might be shopping outside the community for and that impact, and a
report outlining targeted recruitment strategies to help attract retail and commercial businesses
to fill said gaps.
Lastly, the committee is anticipating information on expanding agriculture partnerships with
producers and consumers, such as direct links. FBM Ltd will develop three business case
proposals relevant to the community to attract different products and services or expand from
the current.
The Economic Development Committee presents to Council twice a year, keeping elected
officials aware of projects and initiatives currently underway, just like the Business Market
Analysis Attraction and Retention Strategy Project. Woods provided updates on other projects
underway during the January 27 meeting, including the Health Professionals Attraction and
Retention Committee (H-PARC). “It has been quite successful. Between June and December,
this committee hosted an appreciation barbecue. We had 133 people from all health sectors. It
was quite well attended, and there was lots of positive feedback,” said Woods.
H-PARC helps local healthcare professionals in several ways, including settlement/integration
support for them and their families, welcome packages and a loan program for doctors, which
three physicians currently use. Along with the BBQ already mentioned, the committee is also
working with high school students to provide framed artwork to the hallways of the Whitecourt
Healthcare Centre.
In October, the committee supported a video project for Whitecourt Small Business Week. Local
business owners promoted the community and their offerings in short videos posted on social

media, including Beaver Creek General Store, Just Peachy Arts and Crafts, The Shop, and
Petals Plus. “The committee is super proud of this project. It came out of our downtown visits to
promote our business community a little bit more,” explained Woods.
Throughout Small Business Week, there were events in partnership with the Whitecourt &
District Chamber of Commerce, Woodlands County, the Alberta Government and Community
Futures Yellowhead East, including Strength Deployment Inventory Training workshops and an
appreciation night for small business owners.
“The 10th Annual Career Expo was a super highlight for our committee. We were able to
expand it. The Whitecourt & District Chamber of Commerce came on board and applied for a
grant through Alberta Chambers and were successful. We were able to feature over 50 different
career opportunities across various sectors,” explained Woods. She said that over 1000 people
attended the event, with students and the general public. “It was quite engaging,” she added.
Another thing the committee does is help provide local grant opportunities. One is Whitecourt
Launch, which provides up to $10,000 to home-based businesses wishing to move into a
storefront or those opening a new business or expanding a current one. Applicants are
shortlisted, must give a pitch in person to the committee, and a winner is chosen. Last year’s
winner was The Turn Indoor Golf and Lounge.
Another grant is the Sports Hosting Program. Last year, Whitecourt Minor Hockey TRAC
Wolverines, Whitecourt Royals U11 Baseball, and the Whitecourt Blue Dolphins Swim Club
received funding for their events. Woods explained that the economic impact on the community
is significant. Though a basic overview from the three organizations that received a shared
piece of $10,000, Woods said the return on investment to Whitecourt was close to $800,000. “It
was very successful. We had over 620 rooms, and the average (stay) was three days. The
average spending through Travel Alberta is $127 per person per day. Those events really do
have an impact, and they are reaching the goals that the committee has put out,” added Woods.
The Economic Development Committee also helps provide the Tourism Enhancement Grant,
which encourages partnerships with local non-profits to build on tourism-related events or
products. Last year, The Canadian Motorcycle Tourism Association and Whitecourt Isga Tourism
Association applied for funding and were successful, with nearly $8,000 in total funding granted.
Woods said this year, the committee will continue to be as busy as ever. The Business Market
Analysis Attraction & Retention Strategy project will conclude, and the group will choose its next
steps based on the information collected. The deadline for this year’s Whitecourt Launch grant
is May 8, after which the committee will review applicants and start the pitch process.

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