March 3, 2025

Your community newspaper

A new level of health care coming to Whitecourt

By Susan Hofforth

A new option for supported living will break ground this fall. Construction on a new urban village will soon be underway that will include a continuing care facility for both independent and supported living that will be available to seniors and others in need. The supported living centre will be located on vacant lands downtown, behind the Holiday Inn south of the railway tracks.

The property is not a senior centre, but a residence for all adults in need of supportive living. More than nurses, there will be a variety of health providers on site such as dieticians and physiotherapists. The facility will be able to offer care for those with disabilities and dementia issues.

MLA George VanderBurg is very excited about the project. “It’s going to be the missing link in our health care programs here in Whitecourt,” he said. “It shows signs of a community that’s maturing. More residents will be able to remain at home instead of having to move elsewhere to find treatment and care.”

VanderBurg is also thrilled with the co-operation between Woodlands County, the Town of Whitecourt, the Government of Alberta, and the Christenson Development Group. “We have had excellent support and a wonderful partnership and, amongst us, we are going to be able to bring in a facility that offers a higher level of care to our residents than we have been able to do before.”

The Christenson Development Group has a lot of experience in building this kind of facility. “They know how to build for this demographic,” VanderBurg said. “They are great care providers and take care of the residents like their own families.”

The Whitecourt Cancer and Wellness Group has also been in discussions with the Christenson Development Group regarding co-locating a hospice within the building. Gail Bablitz, a member of that group, says they have been looking at alternative residential options for cancer and palliative care patients over the age of 18.

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