The Whitecourt Baptist Church held its 6th Annual Summer Soccer Camp in partnership with Athletes in Action from July 10 to 14 at Rotary Park. Sixty-five children between the ages of six to 12 took part in the week-long festivities.
Throughout the week, different skills were focused on and practiced. With Athletes in Action, several leaders are provided as part of the partnership. “It is an international organization that combines the love of sport and faith. We bring in four of its coaches and they co-ordinate the camp and we partner with them. One for the love of sports, specifically soccer, and two for faith engagement with the kids,” explained Dwayne Dibben, senior Pastor at Whitecourt Baptist Church and the camp co-ordinator.
The four coaches who come for the week are university students. “They have their own sports history and do this for their summer employment. They travel to different camps and were in Barrhead last week.” They traverse across the province sharing a love of sports and faith.
On Wednesday, the children took part in a very fun event that is always a highlight of the camp. “It’s parent-against-camper day! The kids love it because it’s their chance to use their skills against their parents and make their parents look bad,” said Dwayne with a laugh, adding “they always like it.”
Speaking of skills, the kids are certainly given their fill of new tricks to practice. “Its grassroots, so they do fast footwork in the morning and they are learning different skills like the golden boy and scissor kick and front back, different moves you can engage in a soccer game. And they use large game or fun game experience to try to employ those skills.”
An important part of the camp is the faith and Pastor Dibben enjoys getting to talk to children and parents to share that message. “We appreciate the opportunity to tell kids that God loves them and they have an opportunity to engage that and ask questions. Everybody has the opportunity to make his or her own decision but, as a church, we want people to know that God loves them and there is a plan for them.”
On Wednesday, July 19 the church will be holding a one-day basketball demonstration camp for kids aged nine to 15 which is the first in the province. Though the notice is short, you might still be able to get your children in, so call to see. “If things go well, we could possibly hold basketball camps for the full week in summers to come,” said Dibben.
Also on the horizon and slated for August 14 to 18, is City Camp. “It’s not sport based, its activity based. Laser tag, archery, and more. It’s going to be fantastic.” Facilitated by Camp Caroline, the week-long camp is for kids who have completed grades one through six and, as of press time, there are still openings. Children do not need to be faith-based to take part in the camps put on by the Baptist Church. To register and see more information, check out or call 780-778-3450.
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