ATB Financial is 80 years old! The local branch celebrated the milestone on Friday, September 28 with cake, games, and prizes one day before the official birthday of September 29. To make the celebration even sweeter they turned it into a Community Customer Appreciation Day. Locations across the province shared in the fun with their own celebrations.
Mikayla Schwab, Personal Banking Specialist at ATB, said the day was really exciting because customers could take part in a new campaign. “We have a Deposit Yourself Campaign going on right now which is where you get an automatic entry into a draw just for making a simple deposit into your account whether it’s chequing, savings, tax free, or any other. We pick two winners monthly, one for chequing and one for savings, and you can win up to $45,000.”
“Another addition is that if you make a purchase on your Mastercard you are entered into a draw for $5,000,” added Rosalie Stang, Customer Service Representative. Customers receive one entry each month for each account they deposit into (chequing, savings, Mastercard) and automatic deposits such as payroll, count. “For those who don’t have automatic deposits you can put in a dollar each month and you’re still entered into it,” explained Schwab.
Throughout the day customers came in to deposit into their accounts before the end of the month and to grab a cupcake. By lunchtime there had already been around 50 customers in for the celebration. “We even had one of our personal bankers just on cash to help get the line down at one point, so it did get quite busy,” said Schwab.
The games coincided with the campaign a bit, too. “From our campaign, the deposit part is called Bank to Win so we used that title for our game. It’s one to 20 questions and they are simple answers. So, all you do is pick a question, get it right, and then you win a prize,” said Schwab. They had a large array of prizes to hand out including golf balls, tees, ear buds, coffee mugs, hats, water bottles, beach balls, frisbees, mints, pens, and water gauges.
“It wouldn’t be a bank without our customers, so we couldn’t be more thankful for them. If it wasn’t for you we wouldn’t be here,” said Schwab. “I think we have awesome customer service here and we invite residents to come and learn more. We do things other banks don’t do including celebrating our birthdays and having campaigns that are simple and easy and not leveraged around sales. It’s just what you are already doing.”
Stang said the reason they want to tell people about the campaign is because there are a lot of scams out there and they don’t want people to miss out. The Deposit Yourself Campaign will continue until April 30, 2019.
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