You’re nostalgic for old times — maybe so much so that you feel uncomfortable...
Whitecourt Press
You’re better off as part of a team today, so make sure that you...
Save your money today — you may need it later on! Make sure that...
Without even trying, you impress the right person in the right way at the...
You don’t often go along with conventional thinking, and right now your mental energy...
You meet someone new who needs extra time to get to know — but...
You can get a lot farther with gentle persuasion than with hardcore preaching —...
Turn your energy inward today — things need to be settled before you can...
Your energy levels shouldn’t dip down much below their max today, no matter how...
Try to push yourself harder than usual — you’ve got quite a lot to...
Your communication skills are hot right now, and you can tell that your energy...
You are more easily persuaded today — but that’s not such a bad thing....
You earn the admiration of someone who is hard to impress. It could be...
You know what’s right — and you know that whatever you’re looking at today...
With what has quickly become a New Year’s Eve tradition for the community, Eastlink...