It’s not enough to protect what’s yours — you need to defend your no-sharing...
Whitecourt Press
submitted by /u/kidxer [link] [comments]
submitted by /u/kidxer [link] [comments]
submitted by /u/kidxer [link] [comments]
submitted by /u/wyldcat [link] [comments]
submitted by /u/wyldcat [link] [comments]
Use that creative energy you’ve got going on right now to make a serious...
You’re feeling quite sure of yourself — so much so that you might accidentally...
Your opinions might get you in trouble sometimes, but they’re still worth spouting! Go...
You need to push for more of the same today — even if others...
You’ve got what it takes to get things done today — plus a little...
Watch out for difficult people today — they are everywhere, and may pop up...
Stay active today — inertia could be your enemy if you choose to slow...
Your personal issues may cause some strife today if you can’t let others have...
A stroke of good luck comes your way and you may find yourself looking...