Ask big questions and don’t be shy about hurting a few feelings today —...
Whitecourt Press
You can’t stick to the surface today — you need to go deep! Someone...
Your social magnetism is driving you to do great things — and to acquire...
You’re somewhat moodier than usual, but not in a way that inspires fear in...
Your ability to pull back emotionally from situations sometimes earns you some dirty looks...
How you can minimise the risk of injury when skiing? Follow our ski safety...
Why does all the important stuff have to happen under the surface? That’s what...
You just can’t feel all that laid-back right now — things are freaking you...
Who needs you the most? It could be a parent, a homeless person or...
You’re caught between two (or more) equally awesome options — which isn’t the worst...
You know that things aren’t quite right, but you may not be able to...
You need to spend some extra time indulging your intellectual curiosity today — it’s...
You are extra-serious right now, though you may not have a specific reason for...
Your energy meters are all filled up and you are ready for the bonus...
Any dream fragments you can remember today should be quite helpful, or at least...