submitted by /u/Kasiae [link] [comments]
Whitecourt Press
Today’s problems may feel somewhat unreal to you, or at least unfamiliar. It’s a...
Though you often prefer to play it safe, you’re not against taking uncalculated risks...
You’re not averse to change — in fact, your threshold for boredom is notoriously...
It’s harder than usual for you to concentrate on boring tasks — not that...
Art holds a special appeal to you right now, and you may find that...
Try not to be too critical today — though you may have some solid...
You’re a little frazzled today, thanks to all the widely diverging activities on your...
Try to work in a creative realm today — making art, dreaming up new...
You’re seeing almost everything as a symbol today, so take a second look and...
Your energy is much more stable than most people’s today, and that leads to...
submitted by /u/daniel_ch [link] [comments]
You’ll never get bored of China’s impressive capital as there’s so much to see...
Every three years, the town of Tateyama, around 400km North West of Tokyo, stages...