Local curlers are gearing up for a couple of bonspiels that are approaching within the next two months. First up is the Whitecourt Ladies Bonspiel which starts Friday, February 23 and runs until Sunday, February 25. The three-day event always has a fun theme and this year that theme is Mardi Gras. You can expect all kinds of creative, and hilarious, costumes out on the ice. Next month the Whitecourt Mixed Bonspiel will be taking place on March 23 to 25.
With both events on the horizon, several teams of curlers were out on Thursday, February 8 for an evening practice. Angela Beaulac has been curling for three seasons and said that she loves the social aspect of the game. “It’s really fun to get to talk to everybody while you play.”
When she first started, Angela said that it was a bit intimidating but that the local curling community makes it fun. “It’s scary at first just because it’s a bit of a different sport, with getting your balance right, but people are really encouraging, and they help you along as you go. It’s really fun once you get the hang of it” she explained.
Current President of Operations with the Whitecourt Curling Club, Jim Harris said that there are 250 curlers this year which is a steady number for the sport. The season runs from the end of October to the end of March and features several bonspiels.
“It’s suitable for all ages, including our Junior Program which starts at age 12” said Jim. “If you don’t get out and try it then you’ll never know if you like it. Are you Canadian or what? Come try it out” he said with a laugh. Along with the juniors, both high schools also have teams as well.
There is still room for more teams in the upcoming bonspiels. For more information call Sandra at 780-706-1717.
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