By Laura Bohnert
Don’t be bored, play board games instead. This month’s edition of Night Out in Whitecourt (NOW) will feature a board game pub night.
On Friday, November 18th, from 7 to 9pm, the Road House Pub & Grill on Caxton Street will be hosting Night Out in Whitecourt’s board game pub night.
The event is free of charge—although, of course, the beer is not—and is open to residents of Whitecourt and surrounding areas who are 18 and older.
No registration is required. Simply grab your friends and your best gaming skills and head over to the Road House Pub & Grill to show your mastery of a few old favourites, or a new board game you haven’t tried yet.
NOW will provide a varied selection of board games for your amusement, so all you need to bring is your cunning wit so you can take part in a little tabletop rivalry. Loser buys the next round?
The mix of board games and public spaces has been a rising trend of late. From board game cafes to board game bars, people are eating up the opportunity to bring a little play and a little friendly competition—and of course the bragging rights—into their more everyday routines and activities. Plus, in a world where more and more of our interactions are moving online, a world in which it is becoming increasingly more difficult to meet new people, board games are able to create a safe space for social interactions, in some cases re-teaching us the skills of face-to-face communication in the friendliest way possible.
That’s precisely the aim of NOW. Each month, The Town of Whitecourt organizes a night out for its residents in order to facilitate communication and socialization between community members. As the mandate describes, NOW’s purpose is to bring people together so you can get to know your neighbours and meet and welcome new community members. A strong community depends on the friendliness, communication, and support that exists between its members, and what better way is there to facilitate that friendship than over a board game and a pint?
So come on out, enjoy a Night Out in Whitecourt, meet someone new, and master a new board game—just don’t forget to bring your board gaming skills.
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