March 3, 2025

Your community newspaper

Bringing the excitement of martial arts to Spruceview Lodge

The residents at Spruce View Lodge had an exciting visit last week. A large contingent from the
Whitecourt Taekwondo club stopped in to share some of their martial arts abilities with them.
Right after lunch on Thursday, chairs and tables in the lodge’s activity room were pushed to the
outer edge near the windows to make room for the youth and leaders.
Master Jim Rennie led the group through several demonstrations from complex patterns, kicks,
and even board breaks. Clarissa Canda Titong, Activity Coordinator for Lac Ste Anne
Foundation at Spruce View Lodge, said the visit was two years in the making. “I know the
Taekwondo club is busy, but I really wanted them to come. One of the residents wanted to see
them come here because it’s something new for everyone here to experience.”
Titong is in charge of creating and putting on activities for the residents at Spruceview Lodge
and said she likes bringing in groups that can provide an activity. “I do the activities here, but it’s
always me doing something most of the time,” she laughed. “I like having people from outside to
help, especially something like this. It’s exciting. It’s action. I knew they would enjoy it, and they
Titong said one of the residents also had a great-granddaughter in the demonstration, which
was extra special. “I’ve been waiting for them to come because I knew I would be a proud
grandma with her, watching them perform. We were waiting to see that. I don’t have kids, but I
enjoyed it. I even had tears in my eyes looking at them! They did so good! Having them here
was so much fun, even for me.”
Getting to watch something exciting is also great for mental health, said Titong. “Everyone
enjoyed it. They had big smiles. It really helps a lot. It puts a smile on their faces, and that’s
what I want most, which is to have good activities that hit the heart. I always wanted something
like that to make them smile the rest of the day.”
The group of twenty-four youths also gained from the performance. Aside from feeling good
about bringing joy to others, it was also a confidence boost. “Whenever the kids get an
opportunity to do an activity like this, they gain confidence. I think that’s the number one thing
that taekwondo can offer to people. I know every parent wants to give their kid confidence, but
they can’t buy it for them, and you can’t tell them how to do it. They have to get it from life
experiences, and this is one of those life experiences, performing in front of others,” said Master
The youth taking part were from the homeschool class. “We have about 150 students (in the
club) of all ages, and about 25 took part today. Because they all trained together at a similar
time, it was easy to get everybody together, and those kids did a great job,” said Rennie. “Our
club is so darn busy. We have so many activities going on that we haven’t had a chance to
come before now. Just as we were winding up our classes for summer break, the timing worked
out perfectly.”
Titong said she was grateful their calendars could align. “I’m so thankful they came in today.
 When I told the residents that Whitecourt Taekwondo was coming in today, they asked me if
they would also be doing it,” she laughed. “I said no, you’re going to watch it and clap. Ha-ha!”
However, one resident did get to become part of the act. Mr. Ghostkeeper was the first one in

line to watch the demonstration. When the club was performing board breaks, one small
wayward piece went near where he was sitting, and he managed to catch it, resulting in a big
laugh and a clap from the rest of the residents.” He did a great job,” smiled Titong.
Moments after the performance, Titong was ready to plan their next visit. “We would love to
have them back. Next time they come, I can make some afternoon tea or even have ice cream
so the children can visit and spend time with the residents. They would love to chat with them
and interview the children about taekwondo.”
Rennie said they like to do demonstrations to help attract new families to the sport. “I’m pretty
sure we’re not recruiting anybody from the senior’s lodge, but you never know,” he chuckled.
“We had the right group of kids, the right ask, the right space and the perfect timing. I’m glad it
all worked out and that they enjoyed it.” He added that a future visit will be planned.
“I think our community is an incredibly great community, and it’s because of the founding people
who have put in so many volunteer hours and created so many great opportunities for the youth
in our community. I was one of those youths who grew up here and had so many opportunities
that I know my friends who live in Edmonton never had. The people who provided those are
many of the same people who are in the senior’s lodge today. I respect our seniors. They made
a difference in our community. As I look around the room, I’ve got connections to many of them
or their children or grandchildren, and I think that’s pretty cool.”
Rennie said the experience reminded him of the travelling demonstration team that Whitecourt
Taekwondo used to have in the 90’s. “The last trip we did was to Disneyland, but we competed
across Canada with that team, and it was a lot of fun. So, maybe this will lead us to that. I know
we are taking a team to Las Vegas to compete in 2025, and maybe this experience will lead us
to have a demonstration team there as part of that team.”

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