January 8, 2025

Your community newspaper

Business Feature of the Week

There are many types of businesses within Whitecourt that make the town what it is and keeps residents employed. This week features a company that originally started in Olds, AB in 2006 expanding bases to Red Deer before eventually coming to Whitecourt in 2010 and their latest expansion in 2018 to Grande Prairie.

Versa-Line Services is a diverse, much-needed service in the oil and gas industry. The company originally started with a swabbing unit and one slickline unit. One of the more common uses for a swabbing unit comes into play after the well has been drilled and completed. The units remove fluid buildup at the opening of the production zones, removing the initial fluids from frac, wellbore fluid that causes the bottom-hole pressure to increase, thus allowing the well to flow on its own. Swabbing is also done if the well has been active for years and then dies down. It can be done again to increase the pressures. Wireline units can lower a variety of tools downhole using a stainless-steel wire and braided cable to deploy or retrieve tools or fragments from the pipe. As well, depending the application, its electric line is capable of transmitting data to the on-board computer to determine conditions in the wellbore.

To remain a leader in the oil and gas industry, a company must stay ahead of technology and be able to offer the most innovative, yet cost-effective methods for the oil companies to maximize their outputs for production. Versa-Line Services has been one of those companies with their ever-changing high technology that’s always in demand. Whether it’s downhole tools for everyday vertical wells, perforating and logging, or their newest editions, engineered tools which gives them the edge to work on highly deviated and horizontal wells. The services offered by the company range vastly, but the result of their services is getting production from the wells. The company has traveled far and wide to service its clients throughout Alberta, neighbouring provinces, and into the US.

District Manager Travis Furlong attributes its success to his great team. “The salesman may get the first job, but our staff keeps it. They are safety conscious and knowledgeable when it comes to their jobs and our clients respect that,” he said.

Children and family are at the heart of the company so when it comes to community, Versa-Line is heavily involved. It contributes to minor soccer, Junior Forest Wardens, partakes in fundraising golf tournaments and various non-profit organizations and annually sponsors golf tournaments.

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