by Susan Hofforth There is an exciting opportunity to earn high school...
Local News
It’s been 12 years since the very first Whitecourt Ride for Mom event...
The 35th Annual Whitecourt and District Chamber of Commerce Trade Fair was held from...
Whitecourt soccer players took to the field for regular travel team match-ups on...
By Susan Hofforth Recently there was a significant sewer blockage in the...
By Susan Hofforth The deadline to nominate a volunteer who has made...
By Marc Chayer Cadets belonging to the Royal Canadian Air Cadet 721...
A significant sewer blockage has occurred in a trunk sewer main that...
The annual Woodlands Open House was held at the Allan & Jean Millar Centre...
Pumpjack Players have been pumping Whitecourt and Area with drama for over 30 years...
The Blue Dolphins are back in the pool for another season! May 1-4 was...
By Laura Bohnert The Prevent Alcohol and Risk-Related Trauma in Youth (P.A.R.T.Y.) program...
With roughly 100 geocaches hidden within Whitecourt area and another 500 or so more...
The April edition of the Night Out in Whitecourt (NOW) Event was a crowd...
By Reed Clements The annual Whitecourt Trade Fair will take place at...