Consider a wide range of sources when making decisions today — you need to...
You can feel your mind wandering a little farther than usual today, which might...
Try not to get too worked up over miscommunication today — it’s sure to...
Try talking things over with a close friend — or a small group of...
Try to avoid taking on any new projects right now — you’ve got more...
The Whitecourt Christmas Hamper is looking to the community for more help this season....
By Vicki Winger TheWhitecourt Cancer & Wellness Society held an ‘Evening of Music’, a...
You don’t like being the one that always says ‘no’ — or seems to,...
Your social life is still expanding today — so make the most of it!...
Something is still out of balance at home, but you can fix it up...
You get along famously well with most people, but you forge an even deeper...
You have to work around someone else’s idea of what needs to happen today...
You need to deal with an important person in your life — though it...
You may get riled up over today’s conflict — but the other parties all...