Whether you’re deeply involved with someone or just getting to know them — or...
Try not to push yourself too hard today — things are slow for a...
Your emotional side is dominant today — so much so that you might find...
Your feelings are a little muddy right now — but there’s nothing wrong with...
Some say you are too detached, especially on a day like today — but...
You’re feeling rather difficult today — but try not to take it out on...
You are even more compelling than usual — and you can spin a tale...
Don’t take on anything today unless you’re willing to throw yourself into it completely....
Whatever you do today, do it all the way. Depth is your strength right...
You can’t quite put your finger on what’s going on with that one friend...
Expect something big to go down today — maybe a surprise at work, maybe...
How long has it been since you saw the inside of a doctor’s office?...
Things don’t quite make sense today — but that’s okay with you. You’re great...
You’ve got a real eye for beauty — and you’re not the only one!...
You may find deeper meaning in today’s events, but that doesn’t mean that you’ve...