Your sense of stability needs some massaging today — maybe you’ve been through too...
You’ve got a smile on your face all day long — or is it...
Today’s uncomfortable situation could spin out of control really quickly — just do your...
Try not to worry too much if things aren’t going your way — anything...
You need to deal with at least one colleague who isn’t on your side...
New data is flowing your way today — and your great mental energy helps...
Someone makes a play for your sympathy today — and they almost certainly deserve...
You are somewhat more thoughtful than usual, which does slow you down a bit...
Creative play is at the forefront of your mind today. Make sure that your...
Though things aren’t really going your way today, you need to check yourself and...
Try not to worry about the details today, even if that is your typical...
You should try not to read too much into other people’s reactions — they’re...
Your social energy is blossoming now, and it’s a safe bet that you’re finding...
Your creative powers are peaking today — or at any rate, they are your...
You and a friend are of one mind on some important issue — but...