The annual Timkat Festival, which celebrates the Ethiopian Epiphany, is one of the biggest...
Life is a bit harder to take today — but that’s okay, because you...
You aren’t crazy about what’s going on with that one colleague — or family...
You may not want to think it’s all about you today, but in some...
Try to make the most of your contacts today — you can make great...
Are you waiting for news, or a reply of some kind? It should come...
Your creative energies need some stimulation — so seek out art, music or whatever...
Your shrewd head for politics — even small-scale stuff around the home or office...
You find yourself stymied today, but don’t despair — it can be handy to...
Kick back and enjoy the fun streak of events and people that should flow...
You’ve finally figured out what you want, and that clarity is helping you navigate...
Don’t let yourself give in to despair today — the situation can still be...
Something pleases you in a big way today — it could be anything from...
You may not be angry, although you are certainly not thinking things through today...
You’re great at communication, and right now, you’re able to reach those who may...