It’s the perfect day to meet someone new — or maybe to start a...
The activity factor is really high — keeping all the details straight could be...
You are sure to dream up an amazing last-minute date idea! Tap into the...
You’ve got so much to do, but so little time — it’s a good...
Fill your day with good vibes, friends and activities — you love outings, social...
You should be deeply aware of your own feelings right now. You can express...
Your reaction may be instantaneous, but do you really want to broadcast it as-is?...
Swaziland is one of those countries which few people can actually place on the...
Today is all about taking care of the little stuff, like bills and invoices....
Your affectionate nature is out in force today, which should make life a lot...
Frustration starts to set in today, as you find that people you thought you...
You ought to reconnect with an old friend or estranged family member — that...
Your last nerve is almost gone as soon as you wake up this morning,...
You need to get someone the info they need — and you can be...
Your social energy, which is usually quite strong, feels like it’s getting ready to...