You’re busier than usual, which is fine by you — it’s easier to avoid...
Just because today’s gamble doesn’t pay off doesn’t mean you shouldn’t keep trying. Luck...
Changes are still ongoing — and you need to talk them over with someone...
You aren’t sure whether or not you’re going to succeed in that risky venture...
Your friends are eager to help you out in all sorts of different ways,...
You might have to struggle with a bureaucratic nightmare today if you need authorization...
Canada might look impenetrable, but the reality is it is the kind of destination...
You shouldn’t have any trouble keeping busy today, as new possibilities are all around....
You may be able to swing that grant, or get someone to go in...
Your inner self needs to make itself heard. That could mean anything from a...
You don’t mind trawling through spreadsheets looking for errors or patterns, and today, your...
You should see about getting a partner on board with some big work or...
You find the nuttier side of life more interesting and appealing today, and it’s...
Your social life gets another bump — as if it needs one — as...
Your impulsive side comes out in a big way today, and you should find...