Your brainy energy is just right for solving tough problems — or for sorting...
Something bad is brewing between you and your mate, boss or best friend —...
If you’re seeing someone, drop what you’re doing and get in touch with them...
If you start to feel frustrated with how the day is going, just remember...
Travel is at least on your mind, if not on today’s agenda — and...
A major challenge crosses your path today — though you don’t have to take...
Your social energy is perfect for hanging with friends — so seek them out!...
Your first instinct is to resist change today — but it’s inevitable, and if...
You need to embrace the crowds today — just as they are sure to...
Play hard or stay home today — you’ve got to impress whomever is watching!...
You are finding it easier than usual to get in deep with your people....
Try to duck out of any serious conversations today — even though they are...
Get back to reality with your friends — they can tell you what’s really...
Your fondness for someone close enriches both of your lives today, even if there’s...
You’re energetic enough to tackle almost anything right now, so get down to business...