Try to get others to see how awesome they are today — you can...
You can expect a few requests for assistance today — and you are glad...
Today is filled with coincidences and parallels. You should be able to see the...
Your romantic side is out in force today, and you should be able to...
Virgin Galactic’s passenger space plane completed its third rocket-powered flight after reaching a new...
You can’t help but pitch in when you see things going awry for a...
It’s a great day to listen — especially to those who’ve been around longer...
Your dreams are coming to life — but sadly, not the ones in which...
It’s the little things that count today, so make sure that you’re paying close...
You pride yourself on your ability to sift through details and make sense of...
Your emotions are too easily aroused today, so do whatever it takes to keep...
Your social senses are active today, and you may find that you’re better suited...
Your creative powers are beyond dispute, and today brings the chance to show them...
It’s easier than ever to get along with folks today — even those you...
Today is a reflection of the past, but that doesn’t mean you’re trapped in...