Today is all about communication, especially related to ideas and plans. Emotional business is...
You pride yourself on your mental flexibility, and today you need to show it...
Your love life could use a boost — and one is coming right up!...
You’re at your best when you’re organizing, and today is a great time for...
Patience is overrated sometimes, but today it’s all that’s keeping you from a mental...
A financial issue pops up today and might have you worried about the future...
Somehow, you’ve got a hunch that things are going to work out — you...
Your steady nature is being challenged on more than one front today, and while...
You need to keep moving today — the future is brighter than the past,...
You should take some time to really think things through today. It’s one of...
You need to dive into today’s big struggles, even if they seem to be...
Your ability to see the big picture comes in handy today, as you and...
Financial business is auspicious today, so poke your head into the spreadsheets and don’t...
You’re craving some new intellectual stimulation today, so seek out new ideas — even...
Conflict is on the agenda today, like it or not, so be prepared to...