You need to take something public — an old secret, a new project or...
Little problems are adding up — and today they might result in a total...
Get your people together and on the same page — your organizational talent is...
You may feel the need to spend more time by yourself, at least for...
Your ability to wriggle out of bad (or simply boring) situations and reinvent yourself...
Your innate generosity might run into a brick wall of reality today — so...
Your emotional side is driving you to take on something new or to make...
Your self-esteem is taking little hits today, but there’s not much you can do...
You need a kind of clarity that is hard to come by — and...
Now is the time to speak out — people are ready for what you’ve...
Don’t worry about backing down today — it might be the best way to...
If you’ve got a sweetheart, lay it on thick today — they should eat...
You just don’t know what to do next — so try doing nothing at...
How’s your love life? Today is perfect for getting folks to see your best...
Stay active today — things might not be going perfectly your way, but the...