Your social energy is powered up today, and while some of your people are...
Whether or not you can carry a tune, you find yourself drawn to music...
Try something new today, even if you have to force yourself to do so....
Your artistic side is out in full force right now, so you ought to...
Progress is a goal today, but not likely a reality. That shouldn’t upset you...
Open yourself up to other people’s opinions as much as possible — a rigid...
Messages are extremely unclear today, so don’t be shy about asking for clarification —...
You need to explore a bit today, and it’s easier to do if you...
Put off all communication for another time — people aren’t ready to hear you...
Avoid the temptation to take care of things on your own — you work...
Your energy is best spent helping your people, either at work or at home....
Your philosophical bent merits exploration today, and you should have the right kind of...
Make your speech as clear as possible today, because there’s too much static in...
You are at your best as part of a group — even a group...
You need to chill out today — preferably just staying home and doing nothing...