You don’t mind change so much — in fact, boredom can be a real...
Coworkers need your help today — even if you’re miles from the office. It’s...
You and a colleague or neighbor — one who rarely agrees with you —...
Your subconscious mind is a little hyperactive right now, but that’s not such a...
Your current projects and schedule don’t need any new additions. If you can politely...
You need to let the day take you wherever it wants today, even if...
You need an adventure — and one comes your way by late afternoon! It’s...
You feel somewhat torn today — people, projects, and causes all seem to pull...
Focus on your relationships today — from friends and family to folks at work....
Your sense of right and wrong is blaring at you today, thanks to a...
You’re moving too quickly to worry about other people’s feelings right now — but...
It’s one of those days that seems to whip by you — but in...
Indulge yourself today — why not? Your energy should lead you in some positive...
Risk-taking is not a good idea right now — especially when your emotional state...
To get better service in the USA, tipping is essential, but not so in...