Your sense of cash flow and money matters is heightened today — so don’t...
If you run into a roadblock, you know you need to find a detour...
Your powers of intuition are making themselves known today, so see if you can...
You need to avoid the temptation to ignore your gut instincts and follow the...
You’re feeling somewhat more willful than usual today — which could be trouble at...
The gorgeously designed Chokhi Dhani in London has just opened on the bank of...
The new flights from Manchester to Mumbai will commence from November 05, 2018, with...
Mumbai – swathes of colour as women shimmy along the pavements in their pink,...
Your need for action is equaled only by your manic energy, so get down...
Divergent ideas don’t always have to lead to conflict, as you learn today. It...
It’s a good day for you — your energy levels are peaking, and you...
Pay closer attention to your health today — not that you’re in serious danger....
Your regard for your mate or coworker makes all the difference today. Basic respect...
You don’t usually have a problem with authority, no matter which end of it...
Easy laughter follows you everywhere today. You may be cracking little jokes or cracking...