Your ability to speak clearly and to get others to see things your way...
Little tasks and chores are more important than usual today — at least one...
Now is the time to deepen that connection — romantic, professional, family, whatever. Your...
Try not to be overly critical of anyone today — folks are too sensitive,...
Dig up some new info today — you’ve got to make sure that you’re...
You need to deal with the little details of today’s issues with an almost...
Your friendly energy is perfect for acquiring new acquaintances or for brightening others’ days....
You’re feeling somewhat overwhelmed with demands today — so much so that you may...
You should find that you make things happen in a big way today —...
Your money is on your mind today — more so than usual, that is....
Tomorrow should be a lot easier, but first, you have to get through today....
You’re still in travel mode, even if you’re chained to a desk. Get info...
Your ego needs a boost — but not at anyone else’s expense! It may...
Your social activity is a sure measure of your day’s success. If you’re busy...