Try something new today — it’s twice as fun as usual, given your great...
Your rational side is dominant today, which could mean that you’re less willing than...
You’re not feeling like making big decisions today, so just fall back on Plan...
Things are pretty nutty today, so you need to try to focus on one...
You are in the middle of a big move — one that you’re loving,...
Stick to the short-term today — there are too many changes coming for you...
Keep all communication short but sweet today — that’s how you can guarantee that...
You can charm people more easily than you can fast-talk or bully them today,...
It’s a good day for shopping, as you ought to be able to find...
You can handle whatever comes your way today — as long as you believe...
Today’s issues are especially polarized, so there’s no shame in taking a stand and...
A minor dispute this morning flares up into something that demands swift resolution —...
You’re feeling spiritually deeper today and should be able to learn a thing or...