Your energy is near-perfect for making life easier today, so tidy up a bit...
You may surprise your people by saying no to a no-brainer invite — but...
Your brainy powers are fully active today, so you ought to be able to...
Your bills may be piling up faster than you can send them out —...
You’re feeling deep affection for someone new — or maybe a re-ignition of those...
You see yourself as a leader today, and you’re likely to gather a few...
Your flexibility is sure to be rewarded if you can tap into it early...
You’re filled with great creative energy right now — and it may be distracting...
You have an impulsive side, and it’s hyperactive today. Don’t be shy about surprising...
Steer all conversations away from heavy-duty emotional business today — you’re more in the...
You can be as tolerant as anyone else, though sometimes it takes a serious...
Use that creative energy that you can feel flowing through you to help make...
Your career path may feature a big roadblock today — but you are more...
Today is all about personal growth. Your amazing, fiery energy is great for powering...
You handle power better than most, even if you don’t relish it — in...