After 10 years of running the Community Lunch Box out of her truck, Tara Baker is ecstatic to finally have a real office. On Wednesday afternoon she, along with volunteers, celebrated the grand opening of their office space located across from the library. Since its inception, the program, which is non-profit and volunteer-run, has grown steadily and is now helping children in 10 locations including schools and after-school programs. One of the biggest misconceptions is that the Community Lunch Box receives government funding when, in fact, it relies almost entirely on the support of residents. A mortgage was taken out for a new head office and secured a CFEP (Community Facility Enhancement Program) grant which will enable a garage to be built for the recycling (sorting and cleaning). As a bonus, the centralized location will impact several of the 130+ volunteers who have transportation issues as there is a bus stop only a few steps away. “We are surrounded by kindness,” said Tara, adding that it isn’t lost on her just how much support they receive from the community and that she is beyond grateful. Apples are delivered weekly to all Whitecourt schools and the goal is to create an all-inclusive space where children are helped before they need to ask for it. After all, its hard to focus on learning when you’re hungry. To help the Community Lunch Box please visit
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