By Vicki Winger
On Saturday, February 24, starting at 5:30 PM, The Community Lunch Box Society will host its annual Celebration Night. A dinner sponsored by Eagle River Casino, a silent auction and a show from the Dueling Pianos are part of the planned festivities.
Celebration Night represents approximately 30 per cent of the Lunch Box’s annual fundraising. The remaining is collected through donations and through the bottle drop off program. Currently, there are over 100 bottle drop-off bins located throughout town. These were purchased with a grant. Recycling allows the program to be sustainable, and provides the means to employ 10 differently-abled locals.
The Community Lunch Box is a non-profit, volunteer-run society. Their mission is to help children learn better on a full stomach. The program is inclusive for all students; no child is ever singled out for participating. The Community Lunch Box started in Whitecourt in 2004 with a bag lunch program at Central School. As the years progressed more schools joined the program. Now, the Lunch Box supports the area’s schools, the Boys & Girls Club, Little Big Fort, and Store Front, with a variety of food programs.
In 2015, Community Lunch Box was one of three recipients awarded the Community Wellness Award of Merit.
The Community Lunch Box is extremely beneficial to the children and youth. It allows them to have food security for those that experience hunger during the school days as well as at their after-school programs. Without fundraising, the success of the Lunch Box would not be where it is today, nor would it reach as many of our children.
To donate an item for the silent auction, or purchase a ticket for the event, please call Diane Wall, the new Community Liaison Coordinator at 780-778-8252 or Vice Chair Janice Makowecki.
Learn more about The Community Lunch Box at
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