January 8, 2025

Your community newspaper

COPA for Kids takes to the sky

By Ashley Clementovich

The Whitecourt Flying Club provided kids from ages eight to 17 the chance to take a plane ride last Saturday morning as part of COPA for Kids. As a nationally recognized program, COPA for Kids inspires a love of flying in a younger generation. As so many return yearly, the organization’s goal seems to be working.

“It’s a blast. You take a kid that hasn’t flown before, and the smile on his or her face is priceless,” said pilot Jonas Boll. After a brief session in ground school, groups of kids took a 15-minute ride over Eagle River Casino, Carson Lake, Whitecourt, and Blue Ridge. Volunteers supplied both pilots and planes with one of the pilots even flying down from Grande Prairie.

Parents and kids showed up bright and early at 8 a.m. to get sorted into groups. As the sun burned off the early morning fog, Boll declared it near perfect conditions for flying. The entire event was completely free with Rotaiva Aircraft Services providing the plane fuel, and the casino supplying burgers, hot dogs, and pop for everyone.

The day was particularly special for one participant. Being too young to participate last year, Jerran Turcotte was left feeling disappointed and left out. This year, his father, Dave Turcotte, brought his son out for a drive pretending to get lost along the way, and told him they were going into the airport to ask for directions. Upon seeing the crowd of kids, Jerran immediately became excited knowing exactly what his dad had brought him to. The excitement was not reserved for the kids alone. “This is so cool that they do this for kids… and it’s free,” said Turcotte. “I wish there was COPA for adults,” he joked. Upon hearing this remark, Boll told Turcotte that they’d be happy to take himself and Jerran up for a ride after all the groups had gone for their rides. A wide grin spread across Turcotte’s face. “Well, I’m excited now!” he laughed.

Dayne Miller, who has participated three times in COPA for kids, said his favourite part about flying is “seeing all the beautiful things, and seeing the beautiful countryside.”

The goal of the Whitecourt Flying Club is to promote aviation and attract new interest to the sport of flying. Those between the ages of eight to 17 wishing to take a ride need to wait one year until the next COPA for Kids event comes around.

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