In response to the Alberta Government’s relaunch strategy, the second stage of the Town of Whitecourt’s reopening plan will begin on June 22, 2020.
“Physical distancing guidelines and safety protocols will be implemented and enforced at facilities and amenities re- opening to the public as part of our Stage 2 relaunch,” stated Doug Tymchyshyn, Director of Emergency Management. “For the health of all users, we ask that facility users respect the guidelines in place, and do their part to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.”
Stage 2 Relaunch
Reopening guidelines for each facility are detailed in the Stage 2 Relaunch Plan that is available online at and highlights are listed below. Stage 2 is scheduled to start at Whitecourt public facilities Monday, June 22.
- Town Administration Building
- Access will continue to be limited to services that cannot be provided via phone, email and online. Access will be by appointment only.
- General public access will be re-evaluated at a future date.
- Allan & Jean Millar Centre
- The following facility amenities will reopen on June 22:
- Pembina Fitness Centre – Cardio equipment has been spaced to allow for physical distancing; occupancy limits may be imposed. Change room use will have occupancy limits, and users are encouraged to change at home.
- Alberta Newsprint Company Squash and Racquetball Court – Use must be pre-booked and mini cohort use is encouraged.
- JR’s Pressure Service Fieldhouse – Must be pre-booked for individual and organized use.
- Childmind Services – Must be pre-booked; drop-in services not permitted. Weekly registrations will be accepted for either the morning or afternoon time slots; in order to register you must have a valid punch pass.
- The SemCAMS Midstream Aquatic Centre lane and leisure pools will reopen on Sunday, July 5. The steam room and hot tub will remain closed until further notice. Occupancy limits may be imposed at peak times as required to meet physical distancing requirements. Users will be encouraged to change at home as change rooms will have occupancy limits.
- Outdoor fitness classes will continue to be offered, and some indoor, low intensity fitness classes will resume as of June 22 per provincial guidelines. Indoor, high intensity fitness classes will be phased in over the coming weeks.
- The McDonald’s Whitecourt Go Active Zone and Rotary Running Track will remain closed until further notice.
- Memberships will be re-enacted on Sunday, July 5. Members can visit the Pembina Fitness Centre and JR’s Pressure Service Fieldhouse (for individual, pre-booked use) at no charge between June 22 and July 4. Non- members will be required to pay regular admission fees.
- The following facility amenities will reopen on June 22:
Outdoor Recreation Facilities
- Structured use, such as league or organized group play, will be permitted at area baseball diamonds, soccer fields,
basketball, volleyball, tennis courts, Skate Park, and hard surfaced outdoor rinks.
- Per provincial guidelines, sports teams can play in region-only cohorts of up to a total of 50 people including players, coaches and referees. For further details on organized sport guidelines visit
- Users will be responsible for bringing and using their own sanitizers to sanitize equipment and hands prior to and after use, and are recommended to wash hands with soap and water when returning home.
- Bookings for facilities can be made at the Allan & Jean Millar Centre at 780-778-3637 ext. 403.
- Rotary Park
- The Splash Park will reopen on June 22 and will operate on an automatic cycle between 10:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. It is recommended that users wear footwear. Users will be encouraged to change at home as change rooms will have occupancy limits.
- Open spaces, trails and the playground structure remain open to the public. Physical distancing protocols of 2-metres must be maintained, and users will be responsible for bringing and using their own sanitizers to sanitize equipment (playground equipment, tables, benches, etc.) and hands prior to and after use, and are recommended to wash hands with soap and water when returning home.
- Parking at Rotary Park continues to be limited to every other stall.
- The Whitecourt River Slides remain closed until further notice as operations cannot comply with current provincial guidelines for physical distancing.
- Rotary Unplugged Summer Camp
- Registrations are now being accepted at the Allan & Jean Millar Centre, and the program will run from July 6 to August 28. The program will operate in a cohort of 50 people (including children and leaders on a weekly basis) and children can be registered for either the morning or afternoon session, or both. Daily drop-ins will not be accepted.
- Scott Safety Centre
- The arenas will open in August for organized sport/mini leagues. Bookings can be made at the Allan & Jean Millar Centre at 780-778-3637 ext. 403.
The Whitecourt Public Library is expected to open to the public in the coming weeks. Members of the public are asked to follow the Library’s Facebook page for future opening information.
Help Prevent The Spread
All Albertans must continue taking personal steps to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. To protect yourself and others:
- wear a mask in public when distancing is not possible;
- download and use the ABTraceTogether mobile contact tracing app while out in public;
- wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds;
- cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue or your elbow;
- avoid touching your face with unwashed hands;
- watch for COVID-19 symptoms;
- take the COVID-19 self-assessment to arrange testing if you have any symptoms;
- follow mandatory isolation requirements.
For current information on Whitecourt’s response to COVID-19, including a copy of Whitecourt’s Relaunch Plan and a status of all Town facilities and services, visit
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