Staples Manager Cody Stevenson was a great sport, dressing up as a ballerina and keeping it on for an entire work day. As part of its yearly Special Olympics fundraiser, Cody agreed to dress up in one of three costumes (banana, whoopee cushion, or ballerina) providing a large donation was made to their fundraiser. Thanks to a generous $300 donation from Cory (last name not revealed at time of publication), Cody donned a “pretty in pink” tutu made by Kristy Lovdahl and posed for pictures as customers popped in to see him. Catch Cody on the Special Olympics float this July 1 dressed up in one of his other two outfits. This year, our local Staples raised $2,356 for the Special Olympics which is almost $800 more than last year. Cody and his staff would like to thank everyone who donated to this great cause!
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