March 4, 2025

Your community newspaper

Dual Credit program starts at St. Joe’s

By Susan Hofforth

A new program is beginning at École St. Joseph School. The program is part of the Pathway and Mentorship Partners program between NAIT, local schools, industries, and the Alberta Government. This program, the Water and Wastewater Operations Pathway Program, lets students work towards a technical training qualification while completing high school.

This is a two-year program. Students complete a full course load of high school work plus complementary courses that apply to the theory components of the WWO program. These 10 extra credits in the first year include additional math and science classes, blueprint reading, chlorination, workplace safety, and risk management. In the second year, the focus will be on operational responsibilities and procedures, water quality issues, and water distribution systems. There is a paid summer internship for those successfully completing their credit work.

Graduates will be considered employable as entry-level water and wastewater operators. Water operators maintain the facilities to provide safe drinking water to everyone, and wastewater operators work to collect, treat, and return water to the environment for reuse. Certified operators are required in every municipality.

The program is suitable for students with mechanical skills who enjoy science and are interested in safety, and want to know how things work. To qualify, students must be full-time high school students who have completed math, science, and English 10, with 95 per cent attendance, and a high academic average. They should have mechanical aptitude, manual dexterity, excellent communication skills, and organizational and decision-making skills.

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