February 23, 2025

Your community newspaper

Exercise takes a hit – and hits right back

By Nerissa McNaughton

Recently a slew of headlines loudly proclaimed that exercise won’t help you lose weight. Although it became a hot topic for a few days, this notion has come and gone throughout the 2000s. What’s really going on here?

First of all, the headlines are very misleading. When you see a headline like, “Exercise proven to fail in weight loss!” of course, papers and magazines are going to sell. Who wouldn’t want a good excuse to skip the gym? But, the catchy headline only tells one very small part of the story.

The headlines should read, “Exercise alone won’t make you thin but still provides a host of necessary health benefits.” Not as sexy of a headline, is it? However, it’s the truth. The simple fact is that you can always eat your way out of any exercise program.

For example, a group of young men and women filmed themselves doing the PGX-90 challenge (a very intensive 90-day exercise program). They followed the program faithfully every day. Before and after the challenge they measured their weight, body composition, and inches. At the end of the program, weight loss was minimal. One girl lost one pound. One saw her pounds actually increase. What went wrong? Nothing. Their after photos showed bodies that were much more toned. They had more energy. They felt great. They lost inches. Why no weight loss? Because not one single one of them changed their poor eating habits.

There lies the heart of the matter. Exercise alone won’t make you thin; you have to eat healthy. You should exercise whether or not weight loss is your goal. It’s great for your health and your looks, but if you want to shed pounds, you need the dynamic duo of exercise plus healthy eating.

There you have it, folks. When you see a catchy headline, dig a little deeper. The headline sells but the truth is out there.

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