March 5, 2025

Your community newspaper

Flood hazard mapping open house

By Susan Hofforth

Whitecourt, on the fork of three rivers, is subject to flooding. A recent draft study has been done showing how properties in the area can be affected by a 1-in-100-year flood.

This study has been updated to include the changes in ground elevation that were done prior to 2012. The study does reduce the amount of land and properties affected, but still includes approximately 200 properties. Once the study has been finalized, the town and the province will use the information to address development and planning for the future. Before it can be finalized, however, the town wants to hear from the people already living in the flood hazard area.

“We want some insight on what people think of the survey,” said project manager Peter Yackulic. “We want to hear about the actual behaviour of floodwater on your property and what your needs are.”

An Open House to share the information obtained in the study and discuss how your property could be impacted will be held on Thursday, January 9 at the Forest Interpretive Centre. A drop-in information session will be held from 5 to 7 p.m. AESRD and town staff, with representatives from Northwest Hydraulic Consultants Ltd, will be available. At 7 p.m. there will be a presentation to explain the project, with a question and answer period afterwards.

Maps and aerial photos of the flood hazard area are available on the Town of Whitecourt website at If you have further questions, email

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