March 4, 2025

Your community newspaper

Fox Creek Community Resource Centre

Lots of people aren’t aware of the services and programs available in their own backyards. Sometimes, if you belong to a special interest group, you happen to stumble across certain services over time, but it’s good to know what you can access right at home, even if you aren’t part of a special interest group.
The Fox Creek Community Resource Centre, like most community centres, offers a wide range of programs and services that any resident can benefit from. Some of the things you can check out here are their employment services, which can help you write a resume and cover letter, provide internet access and offers a job posting board. You can also access parental services that include early childhood programs, developmental screenings and child drop-in programs. There are many programs geared toward children, including art classes, cooking classes, fitness programs and even a daddy date night.
There is plenty of programming for adolescents and seniors too. If you are looking for a babysitting course, motivational opportunities, dances, or peer time over coffee, you can find it here. Continuing education opportunities are also available, which focus on ESL needs and tutoring for reading, writing and math skills. A crash course on personal finances is another great program, which could be perfect for young working adults, single parent families, and college-age students.
The list simply goes on and on. From Food Bank services, to special skill instructions; from mentoring and volunteer opportunities to scout and guides information – it’s all available at the Fox Creek CRC.
If you are in need of great family programming, or need a little extra help during this tough economic time, contact the Fox Creek CRC today at 780-622-3758

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