By Laura Bohnert
Concerns expressed by Whitecourt residents over high fuel prices have made their way to Town Council. The issue of high fuel prices, however, is nothing new to the area. Whitecourt residents have been approaching the town with concern over the inflation of fuel prices for the past decade.
On average, Whitecourt’s fuel prices exceed, even at their lowest, those of surrounding communities. For instance, Edmonton’s average fuel prices range, from low to high, between 58.9 and 63.4. Grande Prairie’s prices range from 64.4 to 74.9, and even Slave Lake, whose fuel prices on average sit second highest at 75.9 to 76.9, is exceeded by Whitecourt’s fuel prices. Whitecourt’s prices, at their lowest, average at 75.9, and at their highest reach as high as an average of 79.9.
A more extensive fuel cost comparison can be found at
Whitecourt’s inflated fuel prices can pose challenges for its overall economy. If consumers are forced to travel outside of Whitecourt for competitive fuel prices (and if the prices pose such a significant difference that it is more economical to drive further to purchase fuel), then those same consumers will be encouraged to shop for additional goods outside of Whitecourt as well. Whitecourt’s ability to offer competitive fuel prices can help ensure residents stay and shop in Whitecourt, a result that can help support local businesses and strengthen Whitecourt’s economy as a whole.
The fuel cost issue was presented to the Town of Whitecourt on February 8 at the regular meeting of the Town Council. As a result, Council has approved the recommendation to investigate the cause of inflated prices. Council has further planned a meeting with the Whitecourt and District Chamber of Commerce wherein fuel suppliers will be contacted and options regarding these high fuel prices can be explored.
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