March 1, 2025

Your community newspaper

Games night for teens at the Whitecourt Library


The Whitecourt & District Public Library was the place to be for teenagers, on Thursday January 18, with the monthly Teen Night in full swing from 6-7:30pm.  This month’s theme, Cards and Colours Game Night, was a big hit!

Numerous games were laid out, including card games and board games, but on top of that there were also humongous versions of favourite games.  They had a regular version and a giant version of both Jenga and Connect4, and every few minutes a loud crash could be heard as either the big Jenga blocks toppled to the floor or the play pieces were released from the connect game.

“It’s a games night without electronics” said library assistant, Judy Watson.  “Old fashioned games, including KerPlunk, which we got from the Allan & Jean Millar Centre, and we have board games like scrabble too.  Things that the kids can compete with and think.  It’s kind of educational and of course fun.”

Teen Night is for children aged 10-16 and each month the Library holds a different event for the kids to do.  “Next month we are going floor curling again at the Senior’s Circle.  We’ve done it before and the kids really liked, it so we’re going to do it again.”  Coming up in March, the group will be doing a murder-mystery night, which is sure to be a blast.  “The Pathfinders (Girl Guides) are going to help us put it on” said Judy.

There are constantly programs in the works at the Library, with different things happening each week.  Judy said that putting on the programs is important because it introduces children to the Library.  “Kids don’t always know that much about the Library.  It offers information and is a quiet place or a busy place depending on the day.  It’s a place to learn and to think outside of the box.  There’s a lot of things out there that people don’t experience unless they find out that somebody else has done it first.”

To find out more about the programs offered, visit the library during business hours, or follow them on Facebook at Whitecourt & District Public Library, or you can also check out their website

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