As I watch the price at the gas pumps continue to rise, I am left to wonder about a couple of things:
Our current price of $1.069/L reflects about $100 to $110/bbl based on history including the value of our Canadian dollar. This, of course, proves there is collusion and price fixing at the pumps. The price should be around $0.70/litre. Here in AB, most of the gas stations are owned by the company whose logo is displayed. Most of these companies also own their own refineries and produce their own oil. The result is that their bottom line won’t change much even with the price of oil being below $60; i.e., these oil companies will continue to reap huge profits by gouging us, the consumer, at the pumps.
The second thing is that those oil companies that don’t have refineries and gas stations will see a big drop in their bottom line. Their stock prices will drop and they will become targets of take-overs as we are already seeing. It is important to note that many of these companies are still quite profitable. However, they will lose control of their own destinies by virtue of being on the stock market.
Back about 100 years ago, a company named Standard Oil pretty much controlled the oil market. It was disbanded to prevent a monopoly on oil. As we see the major oil companies swallow up more and more of the little guys and/or merge with other medium or large companies, it looks like we are moving back to a few oil companies once again controlling the market. It would be interesting to know how many of our current big oil company shareholders, the ones who really control the companies, are related to the same ones who controlled Standard Oil.
Meantime, we, the sheeple, calmly go about our ways being constantly gouged at the pumps. It is our duty to support the one percenters! Long live the king!
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