January 7, 2025

Your community newspaper

“I’m in one of the best communities in Alberta. The community is so good to us,” – Whitecourt Food Bank Director

The Whitecourt Food Bank is feeding more and more people as time goes by, as the need for support grows locally. Director Lori Coffey said that she figured about 25 percent of those using the food bank these days are new people who haven’t used it before. If that trend continues, the Whitecourt Food Bank will see record-breaking numbers of new clients for 2022.

With the added influx of need, Coffey said she is grateful to be living in Whitecourt and directly credits the community’s people for keeping her going, able to support those who need it. “The town has been very generous and very strong. The support from this community is such a relief to me. The way our numbers are growing and how many people we are serving all the time now is scary.”

She said that if support remains at the level it is, she will keep up with the growing need. Not only does Coffey provide hampers with the necessities that registered clients can access six times a year, but she provides some of the extra things too. “When you come and get a hamper, your house is usually out of everything. We try and give you those things from toilet paper, toiletries, lunch kits, and stuff to help make you whole again for at least two weeks. They aren’t just getting bare minimum fills that aren’t really taking care of them. You want to make sure that they are eating healthy as well. It’s important that it carry on at this level. We are feeding more people now, and it costs more money to do that. The support means everything,” explained Coffey.

Seeing the increase in need, Coffey was worried that she would need to cut from the hampers and not provide as much in them. “The town is so good to us. The high school’s making sure we have toilet paper and other people making sure we have toiletries. Every single person puts in their little amount, and it just builds. I’m in one of the best communities in Alberta when I look at other food banks. I’m really proud.”

As an emergency service, the food bank is not meant to replace a grocery store. “We are for when you need help. Alternatively, we give out perishable boxes every day that we are open. Those go out at noon, and you don’t need ID for them, and there is no limit to how many days you can get one. There is always access to food even when you’ve used your six hampers.”

Coffey said that the perishable boxes are filled with items from Whitecourt Walmart. Thanks to a partnership built through Food Banks Canada and Walmart at the corporate level, she can receive daily perishable items from the local store. She puts together multiple boxes during every open day for the food bank, and the number of boxes depends on what she receives that day. “I share what I receive with other user groups, too, and I make sure I give out at least twelve boxes here at the food bank.”

Watching her numbers grow has worried Coffey as she looks to the later part of 2022. Typically, summer is one of the most challenging times for the food bank in this area. “Not only are we giving out a lot of hampers, but we are also giving out 150 perishable boxes a month as well. That’s on top of our hampers. Our hamper numbers are astronomical, but our perishable boxes are as well.”

Her ultimate goal is to help get people back on their feet. “If you are at a food bank, that means something is wrong. We want to try and help fix that.” She said that she is noticing more prolonged needs rather than short-term needs, indicative of a more significant issue.

“We have been pumping out a lot of food. We have many people who are using the food bank right now. It’s crazy. I do not see it slowing down at all.” Coffey said that for the perishable boxes, which do not require ID or registration, priority is given to those who have never picked one up before. “I go outside, and I count. If you don’t go there very often or it’s your first time, you will always get your box first. I don’t want people to be discouraged if they show up and there’s a big line, and they don’t come all the time. I will come and pull you and serve you first.”

She said that seeing new faces is more common now than before. “In the last six months, there are people that have never been here before, and the numbers are shocking. We will have a whole day where it’s all new people we haven’t seen before, and that hasn’t happened before now,” she explained. “They say they can’t believe they are here. All we do is take care of each other, and that’s all this is. It’s a karmic balance, and you will pay it forward one day. If it’s a choice between paying your light bill or getting groceries, pay your light bill and then come to the food bank. The food bank is here for everyone. It’s for real people with real problems who need some help.”

The regular donation items of non-perishable foods and toiletries are happily accepted at any time, as are monetary donations. “The financial support has been incredible. It allows me to purchase food in bulk to save money. That’s a huge saving for us. I could not do what I do without the support of this community. I want to say thank you to everyone who donates. I can’t say it enough. Every little bit makes a difference, truly.”

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