March 8, 2025

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Interest in women’s archery growing in Whitecourt


Every Friday night, the Whitecourt Fish & Game Association Ladies’ League meets at its   archery range, one kilometre past the Eagle River Casino. There are currently 14 archers in the club and ladies league chairperson, Kathleen Skrecek, said she hopes to see that number continue to grow. “You don’t have to be a hunter to shoot archery. You can just come and shoot at the targets and have fun.”


There are several stationary targets to aim for, and a trail system around the property that features three loops with 20 targets each. Women who are interested but don’t know anything about archery, don’t have to worry as instructors will guide them. “Just like we do with the junior archers, we teach you from the basics up.” A great opportunity to do just that will be coming up in July. “We are looking to do a Try-A-Bow event where we will have an open house for anyone in the community to come out and try to shoot a bow. It’ll be for everyone: men, women, and children,” she said.


The Junior Archery Program will start up again in January at the riding arena out by the Westward Community Centre and is for children aged five to 17. “We have club bows, and you don’t need a membership to take part. We have qualified coaches teaching the children, and we teach them everything about archery from terminology, the different parts of the bow, and we introduce them to the world of competitions, too,” explained Skrecek.


Her husband, Milan, is the chairperson of the Whitecourt Fish & Game Association and is very well educated on using bows. “My husband has been shooting archery since the 80s, and he’s been bow hunting since then, too.” For the last three years Milan has attended the World Archery Festival in Las Vegas, and last year came in 11th out of over 200 competitors. He brings his expertise to both the junior archery and the ladies archery lessons.


“It’s a sport where you are competing with yourself. It’s a very relaxing sport, too. It teaches you body self-awareness because any change in your body alignment will affect the flight of the arrow. It can be frustrating sometimes but having this kind of group is great because everyone can help and encourage each other,” said Skrecek.


Throughout the summer, the Whitecourt Fish & Game Association will be making improvements to the archery range including extending an existing berm to provide a broadhead target for hunters. They will also be changing out old rubber mats for framed-in gravel pads that lead to the targets and an information kiosk that will provide updates on activities and events. “We have a huge vision for this archery range.”


The ladies league puts on a variety of different events throughout the year. Towards the end of August, members will be taking part in a retreat at Gregg Lake, North of Hinton. During the four-day event, the ladies will learn how to kayak with the Canadian National Women’s Kayaking Team, go hiking, and listen to live music. “It’s like a sisterhood. It’s getting together with like-minded women who want to get into the outdoors and do fun things. It’s a great program to be part of. Many women have overcome fears and have enjoyed new sports and adventures they didn’t think they would,” she said.


For more information on archery, the upcoming retreat, or anything to do with the group, visit the Whitecourt Fish & Game Association Ladies’ League Facebook page by searching WFGA Ladies’ League.



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