March 10, 2025

Your community newspaper

It Is What It Is…


By Marc Chayer



Folks, thanks to my extremely reliable sources I have the firm knowledge that an invasion of our sleepy little town is being planned!

Yes, folks, it is true, a spring offensive is in the planning stages that will see a military invasion of Whitecourt!

Now, before we start a panic-filled response to the threat and we take to the hills with our collection of hunting rifles to fight off the invaders, I should point out that the invasion is a friendly one and will be led by Whitecourt’s own 721 Hawk Squadron (Royal Canadian Air Cadets).

You see, the squadron is entering its 20th year of operation here in Whitecourt and, as part of the celebration, the idea was put forward for our community becoming the organizer and host of the 1st Annual Whitecourt/Woodlands Military Tattoo.

The “invasion plans” would see military bands and units from as far away as Calgary coming to town to take part and to demonstrate world class drill, music, and displays. What makes this even more exciting is that this event would be the only one of its type in Alberta and as such has received a warm welcome from the requested units.

Imagine if you will Rotary Park as the scene as a field gun crew from Calgary’s RCSCC COURAGEOUS conducts a “gun run’ which is a naval tradition going back in the Royal Navy to 1907 and is based on actual events that took place during the Second Boer War.

Or the field being taken by such bands as the RCMP Pipes & Drums, the Loyal Edmonton Regiment and, of course, cadets from all three branches of our military.

These activities would be preceded by the marching in of the units into our town and all of them aiming for the town office where the mayor would grant the assembled troops, the “Freedom of the City.” This would be a parade/march led by the Strathcona Mounted Troop and would leave onlookers awestruck at the sheer size and pageantry of the event.

Folks, I can tell you that the planners are leaving no stone ignored and the weekend will be filled with activities that will leave you proud of the community and even prouder by the fact that Canada’s best came to town in support of the Cadet movement and to recognize all that has gone into our squadron over the past 20 years.

The Air Cadets over the past year have taken a long hard look at what the program really means. The fact that this program allows for anyone to be welcomed and join at no cost (Parents should come down and check this out) is something that should be embraced by all of us.

This fall with the return of the cadets from camps all over Canada we see kids who have become young adults. Warrant Officer Westling, a local student came back from her training wearing a brand new shiny pair of pilot’s wings on her uniform.

The local version of the program is 20 years old but has found fresh legs within itself with plans to make our region a hub of activity for cadets throughout Alberta. This creates jobs here in our region.

In typical Whitecourt fashion, the idea of the tattoo was brought forward and when asked if we could pull this off, the answer was as you would expect from anyone in this town, of course we can.

Preliminary discussions with both the Town and the County have all received warm receptions and offers to help. Existing supporters such as the Lions Club and the Royal Canadian Legion will also be approached to share in the anniversary and to take their proper and respected roles in the events. Why? Simply because the kids don’t forget those who have made their dreams come true.

Folks, we live in a world that has become a hard place at times for our children but the cadets along with a whole lot of other programs are in the trenches giving us examples that our community and, by default, our country has a bright future.

This is something everyone should support! It will make you a little prouder of being from Whitecourt/Woodlands.

If you’d like to get involved e-mail and become part of the celebration.

It is what it is…







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