March 2, 2025

Your community newspaper

Just because it’s yellow doesn’t mean its not serious

The current political climate has resulted in many Canadian citizens feeling uneasy about the direction the country is headed. “Yellow Vest Protests”have popped up throughout Alberta over the last few weeks as citizens began taking matters into their own hands by protesting the legislation and decisions that have been or are in the process of being put in place.

These protests are not organized with malicious intent; they are organized to peacefully object the policies that are causing harm to the communities of this great country. Nathan Harvey believes, “Our forefathers fought for our right to have the freedom of speech. Our elected representatives do not properly represent us. Decisions are being made without the public being given the courtesy of at least being able to hear about the legislation before it is implemented. We can sit on Facebook as much as we want but getting your feet on the ground and being seen will help you be heard. The government needs to stop putting additional strain on the economy. If you want to implement Carbon Tax,put that money into Green projects not as a tax grab.”

Citizens of Whitecourt and surrounding areas gathered Saturday, December 15 at 11 protest the abrupt changes that have come to Canada. When questioned on how these recent changes are affecting his family, Bic Mitchum said, “We came out today because a lot of us feel exploited with the current economy, the downturn, the continuous raising of taxes, and the UN compact. This is affecting my family with my inability to find work. This is a Canada-wide protest. Everyone here has come to support the citizens of Canada and, as you can see, many people driving by support what we are doing. There are so many petitions to halt Carbon Tax; however, I am wary of who is creating them. I don’t want to sign a petition that was created for all the wrong reasons.”

 Political activism has become mainstream again. With this change, citizens are no longer cast away with lack of acknowledgment. Protesting has been used as a tactic for decades due to its ability to showcase displeasure in a peaceful way and the demanding nature for a change. By no stretch of the imagination is exercising your right to fight for what you believe in a bad concept.

If you want to change, first and foremost research the issue at hand. Secondly, become involved with groups that share similar values to that of your own. Lastly,vote. We are blessed enough to be citizens of a country where we can vote forour representatives. To expedite change, you must become involved.

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