Kim Kardashian West took the little black dress to the next level on Thursday afternoon. The 36-year-old reality star was spotted leaving the Little Next Door Restaurant in Los Angeles wearing a skintight black mini that showed off her newly trimmed-down curves. The sheer dress put Kardashian West's nude underwear on full display. In the center of the dress by her cleavage? A bedazzled image of the Virgin Mary. She accessorized the look with a pair of black strappy sandals, simple makeup, and slightly damp hair. Kardashian West was filming Keeping Up with the Kardashians alongside sisters Khloé Kardashian, Kourtney Kardashian, Kendall Jenner and Kylie Jenner. Earlier in the day, the mother-of-two celebrated a pot-themed merchandise drop on her website in celebration of 4/20 – including phone cases, hats, rolling papers, and a tie-dye T-shirt with messages like "Sorry for what I said when I was high" and "Never not high" on them. One item – a prayer candle with Kardashian West drawn in the likeness of the Virgin Mary – caused some uproar on social media after Kardashian West tweeted a gif of the $18 candle. – Kim Kardashian West (@KimKardashian) April 20, 2017 "Disgusting!" one fan wrote her. "As a Christian I'm truly offended. If you knew who the Virgin MARY was and represented you would actually be embarrassed." "I'm Catholic," another wrote. "We use candles with images of saints, the Virgin Mary etc. For prayer for healing and other reasons. #disapointed #disrepectful" @KimKardashian Disgusting! As a Christian I'm truly offended. If you knew who the Virgin MARY was and represented you would actually be embarrassed.- Heavensvoice Hayes (@Heavenzvoice) April 20, 2017 Kim Kardashian as the Virgin Mary……. is just as horrible as Kendall's Pepsi ad…. what's wrong with y'all, y'all that money hungry?- Kelly. (@XO_KFF) April 20, 2017 @KimKardashian I'm Catholic we use candles with images of saints, the Virgin Mary etc. For prayer for healing and other reasons. #disapointed#disrepectful- PattyCisneros-Magaña (@imjustaskn) April 20, 2017 @KimKardashian Funny but you are not virgin from anywhere baby😂😂😂😂😂😂- Ricky (@alessydaddy) April 20, 2017 @KimKardashian I don't think this is a fun emoji, for Catholics the Virgin Mary is Sacred.- Paola Andrea Roa (@pioroa) April 20, 2017 RELATED VIDEO: Kim Kardashian West Talks Eating Ice Cream & Naked Photo Shoots At The Fashion Los Angeles Awards It's not the first time this week the reality star has found herself in hot water. On Wednesday, Kardashian West took to Twitter in a now-deleted tweet – joking that she recently lost a few pounds as a result of the virus. "The flu can be an amazing diet," Kardashian West wrote. "So happy it came in time for the Met lol #6lbsdown." The tweet left some social media users scratching their heads, with one writing, "THIS IS NOT A THING." Another Twitter user wrote: "Girl I love you and all but what." This article was originally published on