March 4, 2025

Your community newspaper

Legion turns 89!

left to right in emailThe 89th Anniversary of the Whitecourt Royal Canadian Legion Branch 44 was celebrated on Saturday.  During the festivities, the Canadian Fallen Heroes Foundation officially unveiled portraits of Woodlands County veterans who died in combat including Private Roy Alexander McDowell who was killed at the age of 18 on September 30, 1917. The foundation researches veterans county by county, nationwide and discovers those who were previously unknown to their local areas. Fundraising is also done to cover the costs associated with the portraits, and any funds that remain are donated to the local legion. The names of the found veterans are then added to the local cenotaph so they may receive proper acknowledgement for their sacrifice. MP Arnold Viersen, MLA Oneil Cartier, County Mayor Jim Rennie, and Deputy Mayor Eris Moncur were dignitaries on hand. Thank you to those who have given their lives as the ultimate sacrifice for future generations. Without you, our lives would likely be very different today and for that we owe you everything.

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